Thursday, January 21, 2010

50 – Back to "Pit-stop" Dessie

Fri 15th  Jan, Some Amharic-named Hotel, Dessie

I remembered why i really hated the journey from Dessie to Addis. This time round, going the other direction, i experienced the horrible roads again. The early morning bus terminal crowd and us not having tickets meant we paid 130 birr each for tickets. Which is the same amount from Lalibela to Dessie to Addis! Since there was no other choice (remember the tickets were "sold out" yesterday), we had to go along with the extortionate price.

Reached Dessie after like 12 hours, the bus driver was pretty reckless, rounding the narrow corners and overtaking needlessly. We got a place near the bus station, 70 birr for a double bedroom. Had a quick dinner, I have already wandered around the town and there isn't anything of interest. Tomorrow we head towards Samera, in the Afar region, close to the Djibouti border to the east.

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